
By MaybeDailyBob

In safe hands

Arriving home just after midnight something caught my eye. A young barn owl on the ground, we knew it would not survive on its own and after a number of phone calls we finally spoke to a human at our local vets (they answer calls day and night). They suggested we gently pick it up and put it in a box and leave it somewhere cool and dark and take it to them after 10.00am.
Near the ridge of our house, above what we call the studio, there is a square entrance with a landing perch. We have never seen anything on or around and nor have our neighbours. We believe there is something in there because we can hear screeching at night. It looks like we might have barn owls nesting in our house. At 30 feet up there was no way to return the little thing to the nest and if it has been pushed out by its siblings there would be little point if we could.
We were somewhat relieved to find it alive this morning and just before 10.00 we drove it carefully to the vet. There it (we don't know if it is male or female) was pronounced as unharmed and it will be cared for there by one of the nursing staff that looks after "exotics" and eventually it will be released into the wild.
We are all a bit tired this morning but I expect we will be casting our eyes around the sky this evening to see if we can see the parents.
Large is cute

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