Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Who'd a thought it? 365! A whole year...

... and what a year it's been. I've progressed from taking a few photographs, mostly when on holiday to taking dozens every day. I've tried macro and fisheye and most things in between. I've realised I need to have a favourite tree and discovered the beauty of rust. I've got brave enough to photograph strangers and decided that I actually prefer black and white to colour though churches are better just partly desaturated.
I know I should use a tripod (and I do have two) but I haven't yet found the energy to carry one around with me. I received so much, very welcome, advice and most of all I now have so many new friends to share my day to day life with. Most of us will never meet but that doesn't diminish their value as friends. Thank you everyone.

And a big thank you to everyone at BlipCentral who keep this site ticking over seamlessly.

I hadn't really planned a special pic for today. I can't help thinking I should have been able to do something clever with bell ropes to portray 365 but I couldn't quite think what... so I decided to go to the swimming pools. I pictured a wonderful scene at high tide where the sea was JUST over the wall, the railing were showing and the whole scene was still and calm. When I got there the tide was far too high and even the railing had disappeared. I could have gone back later but the sea was not as smooth as glass so my perfect image was not to be. So it's an angler with Castle Cornet as a backdrop

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