Produce Day
I'm not by any means a veg expert. My daughter provided that expertise and womanpower up till 2 years ago but has now moved on to other interests. I keep looking at my veg garden with its 5 raised beds overgrown with massive weeds in despair. My gardening time is always at a premium tending to my borders and 'moving things around'. Last week I decided to devote one whole day to produce and just concentrate solely on that. Last week I weeded a whole bed, removed bean supports and planted up strawberry runners. Today has felt like a real achievement. I have weeded another two beds, composted the courgette plants, cut back the rhubarb and generally tidied up. There has been a bad attack of greenfly in the greenhouse so I rescued these aubergines and cut most of the leaves off the tomatoes. Oh and I sowed some perpetual spinach and put it into the cold frame to germinate. Amazing what can be achieved in a few hours if you just decide to do it!
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