On white horses let me ride away

In the old story, Daphne was pursued by the hunter who was called White Stallion and, fearing for her life or her honour or some other trinket or treasure, she called to the Earth Mother, Gaia to save her whereupon Gaia, hearing her prayer, rescued Daphne by transforming her into a Laurel tree. The only thing that remained of Daphne was her beauty.

But consider... Was that not rather unfair on Daphne? After all, she was the innocent party in the not-quite affair. Is it not more likely that Gaia would spare Daphne by transforming White Stallion into a tree leaving Daphne to go free?

And, of course, there are those who say that Daphne was hunter rather than hunted. And, perhaps, after she had caught her hunter and, shall we say, treated with him, it is possible that she then called upon Gaia to cover up the tale of her dalliance?

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