
By cowgirl

Milton Abbas

" In 1780, Joseph Damer, Lord Milton, the first Earl of Dorchester and owner of Milton Abbey, decided that the adjacent market town, Middleton, was disturbing his vision of rural peace. He commissioned architect Sir William Chambers and landscape gardener Capability Brown (both of whom had already worked on the Abbey building and grounds) to design a new village, Milton Abbas, in a wooded valley (Luccombe Bottom) to the south of the Abbey. Most of the existing villagers were relocated here, and the previous village was demolished and the site landscaped."

They look pretty now, and each set of semi-detached houses has been knocked into one, but I read on the Milton Abbas website that at one time, 36 people were recorded as living in one house!

Now you need a pretty penny to live there. I had a look on Right Move for The Olde Forge which I noticed was up for sale. It's a bit out of our price range at £595,000!

We then drove to Poole for chips by the seaside, and later on, on the way home, popped in to see how James was coping without Lou, who is up in the Midlands at her parents farm. He was milking and I felt bad that we weren't able to stay to cook him some dinner but our animals were all waiting for us too.

Next time we'll look after you better James!

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