The "Really Useful Garden"

On a visit to Dunelm Mill for coffee, we bumped into my Sister and Brother-in-Law shopping for bits and pieces for their new home. The coffee break was extended while we had a good old natter, before going our separate ways.

Mum and I grabbed some lunch and headed over to Hall Place in Bexley to enjoy the unseasonably warm sunny weather. Afterwards I left her reading her Kindle in the sun, while I wandered round the garden.

When I was a child, the garden was much bigger, and at the far end was a Herb Garden especially planted with scented flowers and herbs with braille labels for Blind visitors. However, in the 1970s (I think) this part of the garden was taken over to build the A2 trunk road, and the herb garden relocated. The noise of the road now forms a permanent background hum, which birds and playful children just about surpass, and the herb garden has been renamed the "Really Useful Garden", but some of the braille labels survive, so its not all change.

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