Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

28th September 2014

Well what can I say about that walk last night? Absolutely knackering. Waiting for an official statement from the organisers but a 26.2 mile marathon was logged at roughly 30 miles. My app said 32 miles and I was already to complain to the developers about it. It now seems it may be more acute than I thought. I'm not going to tell my walking partner, she cried for the last three miles but I made her keep going. It's only walking. It was so good to have my family meet me on the last stretch, we all walked along holding hands but they had to leave me when I walked through the finishers tunnel. Another year of me getting a tear in my eye at the end. I'm not sure if it's relief or joy, but it's gets me every time.

I've tried sleeping, mostly half hour cat naps. Even had a short nap on the train home. I will go to bed in a minute but I've had to get the school uniform washed and dried. My legs are on a go slow. But at least I have no blister.

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