live and love your life

By Chocolatelover


i got lovely sunday today.yey! :)
this picture i got last morning in park . every sunday morning this park always full with people's activities, doing jogging, playing badminton, riding horse, riding horse Drawn Carriage and many more.

lets sing a song!

Naik Delman Istimewa
Children's Song
(Indonesia language)

Pada hari Minggu kuturut ayah ke kota
Naik delman istimewa ku duduk di muka
Ku duduk samping pak kusir yang sedang bekerja
Mengendarai kuda supaya baik jalannya Hey!
Tuk tik tak tik tuk tik tak tik tuk tik tak tik tuk
Tuk tik tak tik tuk tik tak
Suara s'patu kuda.

Riding a Horse Drawn Carriage
Children's Song

On Sunday I went to the city with my father,
Riding a special horse drawn carriage, I sat in the front.
I sat beside Mr. Coach driver who was working,
Driving the horse so that it's moving fast. Hey!
Tuk tik tak tik tuk tik tak tik tuk tik tak tik tuk
Tuk tik tak tik tuk tik tak,
That's the sound of the horse's shoes.


hope you all had a great sunday!

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