
By middaypyjamas

Snail Trails

My alarm this morning was set for 5:15 am. This is early for me as I am both a part time worker and a uni student, two professions that do not make for early rises. Because of this my internal body clock was doing cartwheels. At around 3 am my body burst into wakefulness telling me hurriedly to check the time. I did so to realise that I did in fact have a good two hours and fifteen minutes of sleeping time. Then a bit after four my body clock decided to go off again, warning me that perhaps my alarm was going to go off. Basically an alarm for my alarm. Of course it was still about an hour early and so I rolled over and went back to sleep. My body clock went off one final time at 5:14 am, and as I held my phone to check the time my alarm finally went off.

I was getting up at this time to drive my Mum, Dad, and sister Angela to the airport. The three of them are jetting off to Nepal for a lazy sojourn across some mountains. Those mountains are the Himalayas. They soon arrived at my house and off we went.

After hugging them goodbye and returning home I jumped on my bike and went off to work, but not before snapping this shot of, the evidence of another early riser, a snail trail. This snail also had a busy morn of transporting around, but unlike me he left a slimy trail to prove it.

- Damian

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