Flowerpower's journal

By Flowerpower


My alarm went off at 6.00am. I got out of bed at 6.04am. At 6.05am, I switched on my bedroom light and boom! The whole flat fused. ALL the lights went out. My fuse box is found in the cupboard under the stairs, right next to my spare room where Sister Flowerpower was happily sleeping. I stumbled to my bedside table to find my mobile phone and switched on my torch app. I then went out to the cupboard to find the fuse box.

After ten minutes of scrabbling around, taking out a chair, coats and a few boxes, I was able to reach the fuse box and flick it back on again. So that was sorted. I then had a shower, breakfast and headed out for work. In all that time, in my efforts to be quiet and not wake up Sister Flowerpower, I managed to drop a spoon on the floor in the kitchen, open and close a very squeaky door a number of times, and drop my box of books near the front door as I was leaving.

When I came home from work this afternoon, Sister Flowerpower said she nearly swore at me this morning.

Once I'd explained the initial circumstances of the morning she was very forgiving. The rest of my day went by without any major events.

I wanted to take a picture of the broken element in the bulb and hit it a bit too hard. So here it is.

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