Holding hands

Not sure where to start with tonight's blip. It's been a long day. Wom had a pretty grim night, thus so did I. Lee had a grim night as was woken up each time I got out / back into bed, then Charlotte woke around 5:30.

Daddy did nursery run. Wom and I snuggled then did chores.

Wom and I went swimming, he was quite happy to bob about in the water which was good as that was about the sum level of my motivation.

Home, tried and failed to get him to sleep on his bed on three separate occasions. Any suggestions blippers on getting him to sleep, during the day, in his cot.

Out for lunch, Monday luncheon club, was ok, had better. Home. Another aborted sleep attempt.

Collected Charlotte from nursery, very tired.
Didn't go to ballet tonight as Wom wasn't happy - he's either teething or has a cold, or both!

Lee has to drive to London tomorrow - I'm camping out in the spare room tonight to let Lee get some zzzzzzz, don't like the idea of him driving when tired at the best of times, but definitely not into London.

fingers crossed for a quiet night

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