Up North

By Carwij

Jewish cemetery

One year a go I spotted a Jewish cemetery next to a regular cemetery near the center of Groningen. I went back today to make some photographs. There's not much information to find about the place, although its very large. I found this on the www:
The Jewish cemetery on the Bloemsingel in Groningen was cleared away early in the 1950's; remains from the cemetery were re-interred at the Moesstraat cemetery. The cemetery on the Iepenlaan was refurbished in 1985 and again in 1999 by the Dutch Stichting Boete en Verzoening (Foundation for Penance and Reconciliation). In 2001, volunteers from the Dutch Christian fellowship Kerk en Israël (Church and Israel) commenced restoration of gravestones at the Moesstraat cemetery. Both cemeteries currently are maintained by the local municipal authorities. Several monuments in Groningen are dedicated to the Jews of the city murdered during the Second World War.

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