Upgrading the Trails

As I have mentioned on occasion there are hundreds of kilometres of walking trails in the Upper Blue Mountains. Naturally the closer these tracks get to iconic locations, the heavier the pattern of usage becomes and the more rigorously they are maintained, such that new upgrades are becoming very flash indeed.

There is a section of the Prince Henry track, west of the Katoomba Cascades that was closed for months but which has recently been re-opened, featuring some very expensive improvements, most particularly in the supply of sealed hardwood boardwalks and bridges, covered drains and concrete paths.

All this is very well but the cost of such upgrades has me worried a little bit. There is considerable disturbance of the adjacent environment during the upgrade process and the obvious expense must inevitably delay the improvement of more remote sections which have become potentially dangerous for older and less agile visitors. Anyway, this new work is beautifully secure for all sorts of walkers and seems a credit to the park planners and engineers.

I shall possibly be missing in action for a few days as we are headed to the South Coast for some seaside time and some coastal hiking adventures.

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