
By kaitiemae

I Love Games

I love games. Board games, card games, backyard games, it doesn’t matter to me, I love them all. One of my favorite things in life is sitting around a table of laughing people, playing a game. I feel like they bring people closer and I especially like games like Balderdash, Apples to Apples and Imagine If. These are games where you have to come up with your own answer, or pick one of the players. You can find out a lot about a person by what definition they give to a make believe word in Balderdash. I love having spontaneous game nights, and friends who come to them. There are three of us kids, so some games we can play with just us, but a lot of games need more players, and having friends who will just randomly come over for a game night when I call means a lot to me. They aren’t typically preplanned, and I feel like that’s the best part about it. If I had a long day, I’ll just get out a board game or a deck of cards and we’ll play a few rounds. It never gets old or boring. It’s always fun and is a sure way to cheer me up if I’m in a bad mood, even if I lose.

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