
Blip One Get One Free.
Well, those are "the replacement". They do, coincidentally, bear a passing resemblance to the old stuff. We decided to forgo the tape deck on account of the fact they're such a rarity.
There was a degree of Gobsmackitude to find that both the Player & Receiver are supplied with "Zappers". The up-side is that they do not need to live 24/7 on "Standby" they can actually be switched off, what about that?
Zapper 1 - T.V.
Zapper 2 - "Sky"
Zapper 3 - Receiver
Zapper 4 - CD player.
Zapper 5 - a cheat: it's from the other room (The DAB radio)

BTW ... Is it ANY wonder we're all spreading around the middle, when there's less and less incentive to get up from your seat?

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