
By Brens

Plumbing Problems

This is the plumber Ian's back where my oven should be. Yesterday I heard a rush of water when the washing machine was emptying, delved into a cupboard and saw water gushing over the top of one of the pipes. Thankfully Ian was in the area and able to come quite quickly. Turned out to be a bigger job than anticipated and he is here this afternoon to complete the work. This necessitates removing the oven, cutting and suctioning out the pipes then rejoining them, likewise under the sink. And in the repairing trying to put more of an angle on the drainage pipe.

Every cloud... Rather than the planned paperwork I'll just blip, knit, do my tapestry or while away the time looking out at the woods as there is too much noise to do paperwork. That's as good an excuse as any to put it off for another day. :-)

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