
This is the east-wing of the brand-new purpose-built no-expense-spared dentistry building where I've been spending a bit of time sorting out timetables and pass rates and whatnot with the rather intelligent and charming Dr Nevine. The architecture around the university campus is extremely odd (especially this building) and therefore quite difficult to photograph, but I might try my hand at a few more this week. I've no idea what I'm doing with architecture photography so tips welcomed.

As for the good old English Language Where The Fuck Are My Air Conditioners You Bastards Department, the boss is off sick at the moment (he's been in the UK for almost a month now and I'm beginning to wonder if he is actually planning on coming back to this dump the university at all) leaving me to run the place as the new semester begins. It can be difficult to keep everyone happy, what with timetable changes, class reshuffling and syllabus restructuring, but I'm managing okay so far, helped in no small part by the long-term absence of the department's main whining fuckwit (or Knobface, to use her proper name).

Holding the fort does have some advantages however, and as a compromise to not getting a pay-rise, The President agreed to reduced hours for my good self.

A four day week you say? Well, if you insist.

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