Tuesday: Meeting Danko In The Market

We had a day of catching up on ourselves, shedloads of washing, shopping etc.  

While out at the market today, we ran into Danko, who was on his way to a meeting so had put his least loud shirt on.  He was a bit concerned as he had used volume-enhancing shampoo and was worried his hair was a bit flyaway.

He is such a nice guy and gets so much enjoyment out of everything.  He previously had a dream about K. and me being murderers and moving to Argentina and wants to make a painting of that.  Today he told us that he had had a dream the other night in which I disarmed a would-be attacker by just cooly folding away his switchblade knife.  Danko now wants to take both dreams and make a short film about them.........apparently we need to keep ourselves available for filming.  Yes, encounters with him are always this random!


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