On The Way Home

A short detour between work and home and, voila - a blip. Not just any blip, mind you but one that reminds me of how lucky I am to live where this scene is a daily occurrence. Every time I grumble about my tiny apartment or any number of other things I think I have to grumble about, I try to remember that this is something special and I'm very lucky to be able to enjoy it anytime I want.

I'm now moving into final packing stage, trying to decide what to take and what not to take on vacation. In the end, I'll throw whatever is handy in the suitcase and hope it fits the situation in Indiana. The weather's supposed to be just as I like it, so we're off to a good start already. Between now and then it'll be a bit hectic, but by 5:00 AM on Friday it'll be too late to worry about anything but what to read on the plane.

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