
By Grimsayer

Back in the land of grey geese

You know you are in a proper wild place when you are surrounded by wild geese. This group of Greylags by the side of the road at Linaclete were not quite certain of themselves, unable to decide if they should take to flight or not.
Going back to an old theme of mine - collective nouns - they remained as a gaggle (a group of geese on the ground) rather than becoming a skein (a group of geese in flight. The words are perfect as gaggle is an untidy, scruffy word reflecting what geese look like when on the ground but skein has an elegance that equally reflects their mastery of the air.
Getting all poetic now I am back on the isles. Not quite sure what a group of Greylags is called on a butcher's slab - other than dead - but that is almost the best of all, a view shared by the local crofting community.

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