
Back to normal this morning. Eco daughter was up as bright as a button so she fed Juno while I got dressed to head up the hill for the morning walk at 6.30. It was a beautiful morning with noone about at all the ground was solid and the air clear and cold.

Back home then off to the supermarket for shopping, met Stuart and manged to get my seed tatties , onions and shallots that I ordered through the allotment society.

Back home to find out that Eco daughter's football was called off due to a frozen pitch, phoned around a couple of people to let them know.

It was tattie day at Inch house so I headed down, it was disappointing as no heritage varieties available. Just picked up some keep seeds.

Spotted this on the way back to the house, was it a Valentine promotion with a red balloon and a camper van, who knows. Anyway I was back on the big camera as Eco mum wanted to use her camera on holiday.

Took Juno for an afternoon stroll in the sunshine and met up with some people I knew and had a chat.

Popped into to hospital so see eco great granny as she has just had a hip replacement. She was on great form and what a difference in her since she is not in constant pain. She was delighted to be sleeping in a bed as for the past year it has been too painful so she has dozed on chairs.

Spent the evening back blipping
our holiday

After all our flights I am away to buy some trees tomorrow as my personal carbon capture. Not a very Eco holiday as very little recycling in UAE as yet, so lots of plastic water bottles just dumped in landfill.

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