A New Day

By ANewDay

An Afternoon at the Palace

Full day today, with a morning meeting of a new ladies' group I've joined where I had to stand up in front of 60 women and introduce myself! There was a time when I'd have frozen to the spot with fear, but age brings its advantages and now I don't care what others think of me to the same extent, so I was quite happy to do this:-) Very friendly bunch and excellent speaker, so hope I'm going to enjoy this group.

My husband and I (sounds suitably royal for where we were going!) visited Scone Palace near Perth in the afternoon and had a lovely wander round the gardens in the sunshine and then a very enjoyable tour of the palace. We've been a couple of times before, but there is so much to see and learn and there was a special exhibition about the new film "Belle" and its connections to the family who live here. Really looking forward to seeing the film now:-)

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