
A trip to Addenbrooke’s Hospital this morning for B’s audiology appointment. I knew it would be a long wait, so I took a ball of pink wool and a crochet hook and spent the hour and a half making a pigs head and two legs!!

Out Patient clinics are brilliant for people watching and overhearing conversations!! I saw two prison officers escorting a gentleman who was handcuffed to one of them!! I heard a long convoluted conversation between two couples sitting behind me, about the NHS (the negatives and positives), politics (who can you trust), the media (biased /unbiased) the Internet (worst thing ever invented, closely followed by TV), immigration……………. Well seeing that the clinics were running late!!

I then met a charming young man who was interested in my crochet (he was 18 months old). His Mum came to sit by me, whilst we chatted about crochet and knitting and kept an eye on junior whilst he played in the Wendy house.

Surprising how time flies when you are distracted!!

B has had his devices adjusted!! We will wait to see if they are worn or go back in the drawer for safe keeping!!!

Then in to Cambridge for lunch and some speedy successful shopping (for me) :0))))

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