Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Churches: Trinity

After finishing with all of my meetings today, I went and visited one of my favorite people - Steve, my camera repairman. I wanted him to look at my 18-200mm lens. I continued to have issues with focusing. After a few minutes of evaluation, and a few more of making some adjustments, Steve returned my lens to me in great working order. I was so impressed that it focused perfectly every time. Of course, it still isn't as good as the 16-35mm, but it is functioning much better. Steve just laughed at me and told me I am much to much of a perfectionist. Then we proceeded to talk about the latest cameras and lenses. He suggested that I should lighten up, especially my camera kit. He is really impressed with the Sony a7R, and suggested I should rent one with one of the Sony Zeiss lenses (since I am such a perfectionist). If any of you have one and would care to comment, I would appreciate any input.

This evening, I decided to take a walk downtown by the river. There are several churches in downtown Reno that are small, but very nice. As I was walking by the Trinity church, the bells were going off. I spent a few minutes walking around looking at the different angles before deciding on this front approach. I really liked the stained glass windows with the bell tower on the side. I took several shots at different exposures, and also took a three bracketed series varying the exposure by 1 EV. When I got back home, I merged the bracket shots using Nik HDR Efex. I compared the merged shot with the single shots that I had taken. While I liked the single shots, but I wanted to bring more detail out particular in the bell tower and in the surrounding vegetation. So, in the end, I uploaded the merge shot.

Thank you all for your lovely comments, stars and favs for my lovely lake yesterday!

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