Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Forman Awards dinner

At last I can upload! My story of blip shame in being late for yesterday's blip unfolds below!

I started yesterday driving to my Mum's in Suffolk. I was taking her to the hospital where she was hoping the consultant would confirm that she could have a hip replacement. I arrived in the nick of time having got delayed by morning traffic, a journey which took almost three hours. We were at the hospital two hours. The consultant confirmed he was happy to go ahead with the op. And seemed surprised my Mum was so keen! She is 91! So with various pre-assessment things to do I could not have lunch as I had to dash back to Peterborough to get my train to London.

I arrived in the Barbican area around 5 ish and was staying at an Apartment Hotel, never done this before. Well the room was big with a kitchen and microwave. But no bed. I thought there must be another room but nothing. Eventually I twigged! Doh! The bed is pulled down from the wall. I then had just a short time to get my tuxedo on but managed to capture myself in the mirror with a time delay shot. Needless to say there were some failed attempts. I thought this would do for my blip but discovered my photos would not download into my IPad. So I left it until later.

Walked to the venue, The Brewery in Barbican and relaxed with a glass of fizzy........water! No alcohol for me still! The night was a mixed event. Lots of awards and speeches and hugs and speeches and hugs and awards and hugs and tears, and so on. The first award went to the man in the middle of the bottom left photo from Leeds who was delighted with his award.

Towards the end my attention was wavering and I was ready for bed but then the final prize was awarded by Charlie from Eastenders. See third pic. I then crept away.

Back in my apartment I tried again to download, no success. It struck midnight and I felt a knock on the door...the blip police stood outside shaking their heads. I went on about wifi and connections but they stood impassive. I received a blip warning and they left. I wish I had taken a blip of them but when I tried the camera did not work, so the blip police remains a secret force.

I have travelled North today and arrived home for lunch. Successfully downloaded my photos and chose this collage to represent my awards evening. Food wasn't bad either!

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