Ian's Back

and it feels like Groundhog Day. Except it is not a kitchen flood today but the boiler which this morning made an almighty racket and stopped working. So I'm afraid my blip is again of Ian's back as there was no opportunity to go leisurely ablipping as I'd planned.

Before he came I dashed into Chichester to take a waterproof arm sleeve to my friend Susan who yesterday deeply sliced the index and middle fingers of her right hand on a knife in her sink. Her neighbour rushed her to A&E where she was seen very quickly. Her fingers are now stitched and bandaged and her arm is in a sling as there is nerve damage and needs to be protected from bumps and even light touch.

As a counter to this week so far, later this afternoon I am having a CranioSacral treatment which is much needed and will be restorative and enjoyable.

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