Photography for Wellness

By wellness4me

First Times

Many people ooh and aww over a baby's first smile or laugh, their first wobbly steps and words. Later in life, the 'firsts' seem to dissapate somewhat. First role in the high school play, first love, first kiss....well, maybe they just move further apart. Regardless, I am 27 years old, and their are many firsts that I have yet to encounter. The list is long, and it's starting to give me a metaphorical itch....I had 2 firsts this weekend, I went to the casino for the first time!!! I have never pictured myself in a place with a complete and total MONEY theme, I don't feel like I am that kind of a person. Not matierialistic, kind of altruistic. It turns out that I was right about this all along. The casino is not the place for me. I also had lobster for the first time, the flavour was surreal. I actually lelft my body for a moment to enjoy just the flavour and texture of it...Bon apetit!

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