The PD day

A company from the UK visited our school today to deliver a large number of different workshops. We had to sign up for various ones and did a total of five during the day. Most of the speakers were good and engaging but my two favourites were: "Make 'em laugh, make 'em think!" and "Using photography to inspire in the classroom."
The guy delivering the "make 'em laugh" workshop was hilarious and I had tears of laughter running down my face for the entire hour. It really does you good to have a good old laugh, although I'm not convinced I'd be able to do the same for my students!

The photography one was interesting in the fact that the lady delivering the course had some really cool ideas, but again, I'm not sure how I could really use it more than I do already in my subject. However I learnt about some interesting apps and websites and she introduced us to the little person in the above blip, which are used widely in creative photography.
I think I may have to put them on my Christmas list !

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