Observing an observer.

Not the best photo, but there was something about this girl, sitting out of the group, knees up, that made me feel....something...you know when you have those moments and you feel a bit of a connection (?) with a complete stranger, and in this case, someone who didn't even know I was there. Taken in Sa Penya.

A day of Spanish, praying, Spanish newspapers, writing cards (5 year wedding anniv. tomorrow!) etc etc. A good day.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Discovering my beloved café, Can Miquelitus, will go back to it's winter hours next week, meaning it'll be open in the daytime again! Hooray!
2) The sunshine coming out after quite a few days of rain - I'm appreciating it again now we've had that cool spell!
3) Asha being in D-Nens, and Danny with a friend, meaning I've had time to prayer walk, read a Spanish paper in Can Miq., take some pics, chat to the lady who works in Can Miq., and even blip!

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