Reach for the sky

This is our local church - not the one I customarily go to. Intermittently through my life this church has been there. I went to Sunday School there when the housing estate my parents lived on was just being developed at the end of the 1950s and then I went back again as a teenager with my friends to be confirmed and go to the Youth Club.

The church started in a wooden building which was the Hall and Church in one building but with the development of the surrounding housing a new church was buit in the 1960s. This is that church - St Peter's Lapal.

I now go to the Church Centre for Slimming World so I decided to blip the building tonight.

One of my most vivid memories from when I was eight in 1963 was the day when the fibreglass blue spire was craned onto the church roof. A group of us had been home for dinner and we were walking back to school (unaccompanied!) and just had to stop to watch util the spire was in place. We were late back to school but managed to convince Miss Baker, our teacher, that what we had been watching was an important part of history.

I haven't moved far have I?

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