Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Petworth House and Park.

The reasons for visiting here today was twofold, the first was to visit a Wood and machinery supplier just outside Petworth Town for their Autumn Show.

We did not know how long we would be there for, and as it turned out not very long and having emptied my wallet somewhat on a particular machine I have been after. I will blip that when I have received it and put it together. (Another project under way)!!

The other reason, if time allowed was to visit Petworth House. We had loads of time and the weather was simply great. Not to warm or to breezy - Just right for seeing the House in all its glory.

Petworth House was originally built in the 1100s as a southern manor for the Percy Family. Much of the palatial mansion was built when Charles Seymour 6th Duke of Somerset married into the Percy dynasty in the 1680s.
The Percy and Seymour art collection was embellished by Petworth's most celebrated collector George Wyndham 3rd Earl of Egremont, who inherited in 1763 and became a major patron of contemporary British art.

He invited leading artists to stay freely in the house and JMW Turner was amongst his frequent guests.
Petworth House has been in the same family for nearly 900 years and they gave the house and park to the National Trust in 1947. The current Lord and Lady Egremont continue to live here today.
The house is not open on Thursdays or Fridays due to conservation so we had to make do with the Park.
We will return another day.

In 1834 the house was described by the painter John Constable as the House of Art.

The park covers an area of 700 odd acres designed in the 1750s by Capability Brown and remains the most famous landscapes and embraces many ancient and veteran trees.

We both walked a very small part of the park, taking in the wildlife and the deer running around. I could not get to close to the deer as they are entering the 'rutting' season.

If you are ever in the area do go in and view it. It is so well worth it.
I will put some other shots I took up on my flickr page when I have a chance.
It is a pity we cannot blip more than one photo.

The shot is of the West Side of the House and you may like to go Large on it.

Enjoy and take care.

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