
By PeckhamBelle

'Advices for woman'

I used to have a friend who always had her hair cut on the day of a full moon. I was thinking about her today as I was having my haircut (it's alright actually, not quite what I asked for, but nice and swooshy) and looking up at this moon which is most definitely not full.

Interested to see if she was talking sense or waxing gibbous, I searched online for The Truth and found this:

Advices for woman:

today is a favorable day for the haircut
today is a favorable day for the hair coloring
today is a favorable day for the manicure
epilation is not recommended today
skin cleansing is not recommended today

The sign of Zodiac is the most important factor to choose the right time for hair-cut!!!

(note the THREE exclamation marks - this is important advices, women!)

The Moon in Taurus, Capricorn and Virgin – A favorable period for hair-growth with less splitting and falling-out.

The Moon in Gemini – makes rebel hair but if want to make it curl it can be useful.

The moon in Gemini and Scales. A favorable time to make beehive hairdo.

Hmm, so much to remember. I think I might just let it grow. Although if I DO decide to have a beehive I will make sure I wait for the moon to grow scales.

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