Hoppy Days

By hoppydays


This is the command we learned today at our first Waterbabies class.
We did Kerr...Ready...Go... then splashed water on his face which was received quite well. The next step was Kerr...Ready...Go...and he got dunked right under the water - didn't take that one quite as well, so we need to practice that!

This blip is of Kerr before his class, in the changing room. The green waterproof nappy is called a Happy Nappy and is supposed to be really tight in order to keep any little mishaps from making an appearance in the pool. He also has to wear a disposable swimming nappy underneath the green one. All the other babies nappies looked very snug on them - Kerr's looked a bit baggy because he doesn't have much of a bum yet!

Am hoping the swimming has tired him out good and proper - fingers crossed for a couple of hours of quiet this afternoon while he sleeps it off.

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