a town called E.

By Eej

For a Cure

The Beloved and I ran a 5K this morning - with all proceeds going to TSC (Tuberous Sclerosis Complex) research. What is that exactly, you ask?

Hannah has TSC, and because we love Hannah, cheeky monkey that she is, we ran for a cure. Hannah's doctors and nurses ran as well. And then we gave them a big check, and they gave a nice speech.

(Of course, I would have preferred to run WITHOUT that big ass hill 3 miles in - but metaphors and everything, I'm sure it was well suited.
I beat my best (it's all relative) time by 5 minutes - which almost makes me a real runner. Thirty seconds per mile less and I'm there.)

We took the long way home - with a long walk up the pier and back in Grand Haven (and lunch). Once home we collapsed into a giant heap of sweat and sore legs.

We are SO doing it again next year :)

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