
By tookie

Whatcom Falls in Bellingham

My dear longtime friend of almost fifty years from back in Ohio....has just moved to Bellingham , Wa. from the woods of western Pa. Her family "cabin" had to be sold as her mom recently died and Peg didn't want to continue living so isolated anymore. She has lived the past three years away from many things as simple as a decent bookstore. Since her daughters family now lives in Vancouver, B.C. I thought Bellingham would be a perfect fit for her... She's her now happily semi settled into a furnished rental home for six month She also went to the same hight schools as Connections and I and lived on the same street as Connections! They didn't know each other then, but do now!. This rental home of six months gives her time to find a more permanent place and keeps her close to her grandkids. And , best of all for me....I get to see lots more of her!

I drove up there today to welcome her and see how she was doing after the long long drive clear across the states. She is pretty exhausted, but wanted me to show her a few places on her list. One was Whatcom Falls so we went there first.

Welcome to the Pacific Northwest Peg!!!!

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