Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Cooking for Cuboree

This is where I have been all week. We landed back in Oz on Sunday night, and first thing on Monday morning, myself and the 2 younger ones headed to Cuboree along with 2997 other very excited Cub Scouts.
I was part of a team who provided 4 days worth of meals for 90 kids and adults, all from the Geelong area. Most of the bulk of cooking had been done in advance, and we just had to heat cyropacked food in large vats of water. Still, having it all ready at the same time and served speedily was quite a feat.
I occasionally got to be a leader too, and joined in the activities, which was ace. When else would I get the opportunity to take part in a wet, muddy, teddy throwing war- Leaders against kids? It took some effort to get clean enough again to help serve lunch!

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