
By CleanSteve

The Osteospermum

Yesterday I became very frustrated with a colleague's approach to communications and have had to think carefully about what we will now do. Today I've felt better once I'd spoken to some others who felt the same as me.

I decided to do some serious cutting of long grass in the garden because I feel the weather which is about to change for the worse will inhibit any future attempts. As a result of strimming my arm and shoulder are feeling rather odd and when i picked up my camera to grab the last of the light in the garden my arm and shoulder muscles wouldn't stop shaking quite violently. I know it will go away but it did make focusing and keeping the camera steady rather difficult.

I liked this view of the lovely coloured Osteospermum which I bought many months ago. I wish I had kept the label so that I could buy another one next year.

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