
By Majoayee

Pink Ribbon

The month of October is PINK
In support of
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM)

To read more about this challenge, follow this link to SweetArt's comment on the Forum.

I gather I'm a day early, or will it be pink all month? ? ?

This is my second attempt at the reflections in drops.  following advice I bought a sheet of glass (£2.50 for a picture covered in glass at a local charity shop, the glass place wanted a minimum of £6!) and used glycerine drops.

I used a different camera body that is lighter (Ro's!) and a 10 second delay.  Then took various pictures with different F values. of course as you get to higher values the background comes into focus!  I seem to have lost the drop shapes, they look flat now!  It is also very grainy!  It may be better using daylight.  This is not the last trial!  :-)

Many thanks for all the good advice yesterday!

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