The view across Warrington after dark. I HOPE that the strange object lurking above Winter Hill TV mast is just the light of an airplane. Didn't see it when I was taking the shots, but a sequence of 5 images shows it lurking and moving in a way that suggests that its either the police wellychopper with searchlight or a plane coming in towards Manchester.

Finally listened to - it was worth typing my 3 sides of A4 and drawing a diagram of where the pain is. Excellent registrar saw me first, took my history, asked lots of questions, listened to what I had to say, and Corin added his perspective too. After an examination which left me in absolute agony and the registrar with an understanding of what I was describing, I returned to the consulting office to find that my consultant, who has done both previous surgeries, was also there.
More questions and discussion, leading to agreement that I am to have urgent investigative surgery to figure out what is happening. Also being sent for scan of kidneys as there is some concern about pain and other symptoms that might indicate a problem there. Also agreed to a change in medication, which now needs to be actioned by my GP, which should help to manage the pain more effectively until a resolution is found.
Although I am still in pain, I feel like a weight has been lifted that finally I got to the right person and they have acted on everything.
My notes have now been lodged into my hospital records as well - so it was worth the effort to have them on file.
I am so very grateful for everyone's support, not least my fantastic husband - just the act of being by my side and holding my hand made it so much easier to cope with.

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