Water of Leith in the rain.

No heron today, in fact I've not seen him for some time. It has been a dry summer.

You know, I've missed the rain.

I've missed the change in the sound of the street, how it becomes full of the noise of splashing and hissing and roaring and swishing. I've missed wearing a big jumper under my jacket. I've missed the privacy of a hood, the head-down, on-my-way, swift striding walk people use in the rain. I've missed wearing my big boots and splashing through puddles with confidence. I've missed the softer light, the shadowless grey of low clouds over the city.

I've missed the rain. Edinburgh has displayed an old aspect of her personality that I remember and appreciate and am glad to see again as the seasons change.

Of course next week I'll be sick of it, but just now I welcome the rain.

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