at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Setting up home on the beach

Ivy got two exciting birthday presents in the post today, some lovely wooden maracas from Matt and Melisa and this amazing Teepee from John and Maureen. Ivy was ridiculously excited by it's construction and helped by handing me the wooden poles and connectors. Her first trip into her new den, and she pulled her shoes off and placed them carefully outside. Euan went in with her after lunch and she was almost rocketing off the canvas walls with excitement.

Ivy didn't sleep very well this morning, she was wide awake before 6am so we put her in our bed. Where she 'told us secrets' which involved location an ear using her finger and when she found it, leaning in and going 'GA BA LA DA MMMMMMM LA DA BA'. I think we have to work on whispering.

At Brogan Began they were playing with moon sand, which doesn't taste very nice as Ivy discovered. So she was given half Bannana to take the taste away (I discussed with the other adults the correct way to peel a bannana). She finished her half, then looked about for moon sand to eat to get more.... When I put chairs out at the table in preperation for snack, Ivy ran over and climbed onto a chair to wait at the table. She looked very funny perched on a chair.

When Euan came home, we went on the epic adventure to Ardmair taking this photo involved.

This evening whilst Euan gave dinner, I gave Ivy a box of dried pasta to play with to keep her occupied. It's very interesting to watch the way she sets herself up tasks and then completes them. For example, for a while she picked up a piece of pasta and put it in my hand (which she's positions herself) and then picked up another piece to go take it to Euan to hold. Then she put pasta into a saucepan, walked with the saucepan to an empty bin, tipped it in and then came back to repeat. She even tidied up her pasta shapes afterwards.

She had a proper long breastfeed tonight before bed and was practically like a milk drunk newborn again.

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