
By artoo

Up to his neck in it!

Most of my best friends are people we were at University with, who now live all over the country (well, all over the world!). We don't get to see them as often as we would like, and it's increasingly difficult to get us all together as we all have busy lives and kids to juggle.

As an experiment I found a date where a reasonable number of us seemed to be free, picked a park in a suitable-looking central location and suggested we try meeting up for a picnic.

It worked out really well. Fourteen adults and 11 children descended on the War Memorial Park in Coventry. The kids raced around and played together, and the adults got to sit on the grass and chat. Fortunately the weather was glorious.

One of the nice things about the War Memorial Park is that all the children's play areas are built on sand, so as well as the usual climbing, sliding and swinging that goes on in these places, the kids can also play with the sand. And bury themselves in it...!

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