Not Cramond: Not Autumn

When #2 Daughter asked where we would like to go next time we visited her, I said Cramond, please!

I have seen the blips, a photographer's heaven, a dreamy seascape. She had seen the blips, too and said: "Not, today, Mum." The weather would have been miserable for standing around taking as many shots as I would have wanted to take. She knows me so well.

So, after we came out of Sainsburys, I asked how far away is the Water of Leith. " Just over that fence." she said. I thought the autumn colours of the lush vegetation would be wonderful. No! Scotland has not felt the pinch of the autumnal chill yet.

Anyhow, here we are, this is the Water of Leith, this is my blip!

Lunch at The Rocket in Morningside and back to The Caley Sample Room for afternoon drinks. Great day!

We were leaving Kat's in the late afternoon to get back to Carlisle for evening visiting and just as I was walking out of the door my phone rang. The hospital were having problems with The Mother, she was very restless. She certainly was!

It's so hard not being able to carry out the wishes of a loved one, begging you, in a world of their own, to do things that are just not possible in the real world.

I left, saddened, after a few hours.

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