
I didn't see much of Olivia today because I was OUT!

She was asleep by the time I got back from my swim and as #1 d in l was working I decided to go back to TTDI to collect my package. The journey worked so well last week, not today. There is a cab rank outside now, very handy but I neglected to tell the, silent, driver that I was coming straight back and by the time we'd got there, a mere 10 minutes, he had another job. So after collecting the package I hung around street corners looking out for a free cab. But no luck.

Slight panic was beginning to set in, stranded in TTDI, but luckily I have the 'My Teksi' app which allows on-line booking. On-line booking requires the internet so nothing for it, after about half an hour or so of standing around in sweltering humidity, but to make for Starbucks, luckily on the same road.

I had to buy coffee and fiddle with logging in and allow my phone to accept incoming calls but eventually, after an age from the original drop off, I was back in a cab, Kiara 1 Mall bound. I think the incoming call will have cost as much as the fare.

I was ages in the Mall. I had a rake round the shops and then to Village Grocer for messages and nappies and an ice cream - tiramisu today. It is very good NZ Kapiti ice cream. Would go with the Aussie steak I bought.

It was after 3 before I got back and Olivia was asleep. I sewed and it rained and eventually she woke just before we were getting ready to go out so I did get a quick cuddle. She is really moving her head round now, following sounds and paying attention to her surroundings. And she was off to different surroundings for the evening, hungry and in need of a change she was delivered to paw paw's while WH and I went of to KLCC.

The main event was the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra concert in the Dewan Filharmonik Petronas but first there was a trip round Mothercare and some food.

The concert was amazing and I ticked another thing of my 'to do in Malaysia' list. The hall is boutique but beautiful and for the first time I saw people really dressed up in Malaysia. We weren't ,definitely smart casual. The theme of the concert was rhapsody and symphony and we were treated to 3 pieces, an encore , a virtuoso pianist and a conductor who was balletic, athletic and funny. I'd love to see him at the Last night of the Proms. It was a very enjoyable evening. Afterwards we went outside for some iconic shots of the Twin Towers, truly KL.

Then home to collect the bairn who'd been asleep since 10 and hadn't missed us at all.

Big day tomorrow!

PS - Olivia had her 10 seconds of fame today. My 'Sentence of News' was read out on R4's iPM by Sir Terry Wogan, no less. And I never heard it, but news came to me from France. Wow, we are so international - composed by a Scot in Malaysia, read by an Irishman, broadcast from the UK and heard by another Scot in France. Truly the global village.

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