Rest In Peace

Said Cat's last picture alive. Took him to the vet expecting a routine exam only to get the nearly devastating news that the best decision was to 'put him down'.

All in all this day was a complete challenge. The kids took his passing in relatively good stride. They inspected his body, which I had to cart home (for an undetermined funeral yet to be planned). They were impressed that indeed he wasn't sleeping. We had a quick Q & A session and then their grief was over. Off to play on the computer.

It had only been nearly two months since Said Cat adopted us (literally clawing at the door until days later we let him in). We all enjoyed having him around even though he slept most of the time. He had an easy going personality. The last couple of months of his life may have been the most comfortable and peaceful he's ever had. It definitely was a bright era in our lives.

At bed time, Alyssa was already asking if we could get a dog next. "One that will never die" was her only request.

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