Ibis 2

It is day 2 of the Ibis Hotel challenge with a visit to Edinburgh Central, South Bridge, with a special visit from Hubert (aka the tatty rabbit), who has come out of his self-imposed exile of two years!

Highlights of the hotel, are the central location, great views, truffles in the room on arrival, and the canapés that were delivered to the hotel room, without request.

As well as checking out the hotel, another highlight was a history tour and visit to the South Bridge Vaults, often cited as the most haunted place in the UK. Yvette Fielding was terrified apparently when she and her team a night in the vaults for 'Most Haunted'. Check out KryptoMart's review of the tour.

Day 3 tomorrow and another move upmarket, this time to an Ibis Style hotel in St Andrew's Square.

Hope you are all having a fun weekend.

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