Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Story time with Pops

I had a really rough night with Aj last night. I didn't get to bed till 1am because of an overdose of caffeine and chocolate. When I did finally get to bed, Aj was crying; I settled her and hoped for some sleep. I probably got 45mins, before our bedroom door swung open and Aj was stood at the side of our bed. I was so tired that I pulled her into our bed and cuddled her. Realising that it wasn't a great idea, I took her to bed 10 minutes later. However, another 30-45minutes later she was back. Again I pulled her into our be for another cuddle and this time fell asleep with her. I say sleep, I actually mean rest, because as anyone who has children will know, you can't sleep properly when a child is in your bed. I managed to get her back to her own bed and finally settled into my own "sleep" at 3.40am.

It was DM's assembly today at the local church (which I had completely forgotten about). Aj and I walked the reception class to the church and watched DM in her assembly.

With the walk and the lack of sleep, by the time Aj and I got home, we were both groggy and shattered. Everything Aj wanted came with a whinge and a whine. In the end, we both went back to bed; we snuggled up in my bed and slept for nearly three hours!

Tonight's bedtime story was The Train and read by Pops.

There is a lady and her boy and girl called Poppy and Sam. They have a dog and they are going to find a steam train.

It was lovely to listen to Pops telling us the bedtime story tonight. She couldn't read the words, but she gave us a good description of each page how she saw it. After each double page spread, she turned the boom round to show us the pictures on the page.

Peach took DM to rollerskating and because the little girls were so tired and already asleep in bed, DM was able to stay up with Peach and I after skating. It was lovely to have the one to one time with her and watch the XFactor together. Perfect quality time :)

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