Retirement in Montana

By tomtaylor

splitting wood

Today was the day to replinish the wood pile. A few years ago, we got an electric wood splitter and it has been a life saver. Tom use to do it by hand and it would take him days and many blisters just to do one cord or wood. Now with both of us doing it, we have it done in about 5 hours.

We keep the fire place in the shop going every day because that is where we spend most of our time. Mr Bo is there 90% of his time except when he takes my hubby for his walk 3 times a day. I have my treadmill and sewing machine out there plus a TV and computer so I am set up for all my fun things to do.

Our weather was in the 40's today and the ice is still melting and our boat dock is getting higher in the air. Right now there is an ice fisherman on the lake walking around with his hatchet making holes in the ice. I sure do hope I don't have to call rescue because the not so smart guy falls in. He had to walk thru the water on the edge to get out in the middle. I really think that should have been his first hint that the ice is melting. Oh well, only in Montana.

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