Tui in a Kowhai tree

Sunday today. An early run along the length of Erceg's Way by Snells Beach front, and I was able to take a photograph of the Sunday Sunrise for the 32nd time this year. I've included it in my blipfolio.

It would have been my blip for today. However, yesterday my mother-in-law told me of the tui that she has been seeing in a kowhai tree outside her bedroom window. She said that two tui arrive about 0800, feed voraciously for about 20 or 30 minutes, and then go. She invited me to perch on her deck and wait for them.

Our neighbour on the other side has a somewhat larger kowhai tree, which can be seen from one of our windows, with me being inside and not scaring the tui away (as would likely happen if I went onto m-i-l's deck). At 0800 (back from my run long enough for a shower and to make the coffee for breakfast) I looked out the window, and saw two tui in the neighbour's tree.

One departed instantly that I opened the window. The other stayed for me to get a dozen or so photos. I think this is the best of them, and the best photo I've ever got of a tui. All thanks to m-i-l, who had noticed their feeding habits.

I am including in my blipfolio a photo of this same tui feeding, which shows the way they hang upside down to access the nectar in the flowers.

As with yesterday's photo of the swallow, this does not increase my bird count for the year.

I have just noticed that a year ago I also blipped a tui; a much inferior shot. This one definitely is better large

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