
By hannahstar

Hannah & Sarah

Today we got up early and gave Andrew his birthday presents.
Then we had breakfast and got ready to go out.

We went to town at about 10am. Grace & David went to buy some clothes and the rest of us went around a few shops, ending up in Costa and having some yummy mango drinks.

Then we all met up at Nando's and had a really yummy lunch.
Went home after lunch and watched Peppa Pig for a while!

At 4pm we went to their Home Education Group Barn Dance. It was at our church. It was really fun, we did lots of dancing and had a picnic. Anna P came too.

When we got home we gave Andrew his birthday cake and watched some of WALL-E and Dad's Army and ate marshmallows, raspberries and strawberries with melted chocolate. Yum!

Once everyone had gone to bed Grace, Sarah and I watched Dr Who. Then we went to bed.

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